Anonymous Member Story
A member of Columbia City Fitness Center who prefers to be anonymous wanted to share her story with her community.
This lovely woman is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Washington. Some of her hobbies include extreme gardening and playing the harpsichord on her spare time. She became a member of Columbia City Fitness Center about four years ago after she went through an open heart surgery and treatment for cancer. Her goals regarding fitness at the Center include healthy weight loss, improved muscle tone and mobility, and all-round fitness.
“My achievements are modest. However, not insignificant! I haven’t yet lost the weight, but I feel much better physically. What I like best about Columbia City Fitness Center is the rich diversity of the clientele and staff. I also appreciate that the Fitness Center does not feel or look like a corporate franchise. It has its own look, feel, and aura, which is not reproducible on a mass market scale. It is unique!”
She enjoys that Columbia City Fitness Center is a small, locally owned business that is perfect for Columbia City. She can’t imagine the Fitness Center without the impressive presence of Bull Stewart, who enlivens every interaction with stimulating conversation about current events and local issues.